"Come and see." John 1:39,46.
The gospel of John is always fascinating to read. I got to read chapter one again this week. Every time I read this chapter, I usually focus on the beginning part of the chapter where it talks about Jesus being the Word. It's a very important part. But this time, I saw this part. "Come and see." Come and see what? John the Baptist was with 2 of his disciples.
When Jesus approaches them He asks, "What do you seek?"
In return, they reply, "Rabbi, where are You staying?"
Jesus answers, "Come and see."
In the later part of the chapter, we have Philip and Nathaniel. Philip is overjoyed to have found Jesus of Nazareth. He is so eager to introduce Him to his buddy Nathaniel. But Nathaniel doesn't seem too excited.
Nathaniel asks, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"
Philip says, "Come and see!"
Friends, we need to "come and see" for ourselves. We need to step up and give it a try to see who Jesus is. We shouldn't be like Nathaniel and say, "What good is it? Is it any fun?" There should be no doubt but be able to "come and see" for ourselves and realize that Jesus is the Giver of the "Living Water!"