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December 14, 2024

On Friday, I celebrated my seven years of running by going for a 7 mile run. It was 4 degrees outside and it was cold. I made sure to layer up and protect myself from the weather. I have run in colder conditions for many winters so I knew this would be enough. The sky was crisp clear and thankfully there was no wind.

The trail was clean for about the first half mile of the run and soon I saw a thin layer of snow on the trail. The sheet of snow wasn’t icy or slippery. It was just right amount to run on. Every step on the snow sounded like biting into a crunchy chocolate chip and the rhythmical sound of the steps calmed my mind. I noticed there were many other footsteps of people running and walking and dog footsteps, too. The longer I ran on the trail, the number of footsteps on the snow decreased until there was only one other set of footsteps left. From the pattern of the tread, I could tell it was a runner’s footsteps. Due to the cold weather, only a couple of us made it out this far.

I remember reading about sea turtles laying up to 100 eggs in the sand. During the incubation period in the sand, animals would dig up the sand and some of the eggs get eaten up. When the eggs are hatched, the hatchlings would rush to the ocean but during those moments, birds and other four legged animals would come and snatch the baby sea turtles. And for the sea turtles that do make it to the ocean, some of them would get eaten by big fish. Out of a 100, only a few actually survive to grow up in the wild.

Jesus talks about the ‘narrow way’ in Matthew and Luke. “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are a few who find it.” Matthew 7:13,14. Even with all the people out there labeled as ‘Christians,’ only a few will make it into the kingdom of God. The Bible warns us about all the temptations of the Devil. The key is to look straight forward to Jesus only and trust that He will guide you all the way through to the end.


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