“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?” Matthew 6:22,23.
This passage is from the sermon on the mount, and many people do not remember this passage as much as the other passages. There are few ways to read this passage, but this reminds me of what my professor shared in class many years ago. It was short but had an impact.
He was watching a show on TV, not knowing what the show was about. Suddenly an inappropriate scene came up without notice, which was now registered in his mind. That Sabbath, he was on the podium to pray and preach. When he got up to give the opening prayer before preaching, that scene that he saw from few days ago came to his thought, completely distracting him from what he was supposed to pray about. I don’t think that is a unique experience for him only, as I have had similar experiences in the past. What we see will occupy the mind, that will control the thought process and our actions.
The things that we do, see, talk about, hear about will determine the outcome of your thoughts and behaviors. I would expect that if we spend and consume more time in the study of the Word and praying to Jesus over other things of the world, then that is what you will be reflecting in your character and actions as you encounter people around you. What have you read and prayed about this week?